Sunday, April 28, 2013



Botanical Name— Mesua ferrea Linn.

Synonyms— Ahi Puspa, Ibha, Kanakãhva, Kañcanãhvaya, Kiñijilkam, Kesaram, Cãmpeyam, Natam, Nagam, Naga Kiñjilkam, Naga Puspam, Naga renuka, PaficabhUvayam, Piñjaram,Phani pannagam, Rukmam, Suvarnam, Hema pusam.

Names in different languages






Iron-wood of Assam, ceylon Iron wood.
Naghas, Nogkesar
Kanchana, Nagasampige
Nagachempakam, veluttachempakam

Naga kesar

Irul, Karunangu

Naga kesarãlu


Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Susruta Samhita : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Anjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas
Caraka Samhita

Astanga Sangraha : EIädi, Vacädi, Anjanadi, Priyangvadi ganas
Asanga Hdaya : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Añjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas

It used as lepana for visarpa (bala rogas). Susrutha & Vagbhata used synonyms of this plant, this also coming under chaturjataka.

Varieties & adulterants  - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants
(1) Naga kesara - Mesua ferrea Linn
(2) Pacima kesara - Ochrocarpus longifolius Benth &
Hook, f., (lal varieties)
(3) Punnaga - Calphyllum inopylrur linn
(4) Karu Nagakesara – Cinnamomum wightii/ C. tamala
(5) Dillenia pentagyna-malabar naga kesara


Mesua ferrea Linn—

It is a medium sized tree; bark ash-coloured.
Leaves- 8- 12 by 3-4 cm. oblong-lanceolate, acute acuminate, glabrous above and glaucous beneath, petioles 6-8 mm. long.
Flowers- white coloured, 2-2.5cm. deameter, axillary or terminal, stamens are numerous, golden-yellow coloured.
Fruit- 2.5-3 cm. long.Ovoiad.seed- 1-4, angular, smooth, chestnut brown in colour.

Distribution & Habitat.
eastern Himalayas, Bengel, Assam, eastern and western ghats and Andaman Islands.
(ii) Ochrotarpus longifolius Benth & Hook f—(tree)

 Leaves- thickly coriaceous, 16-20 cm. by 5-6.5 cm., oblong, obtuse, glabrous, petioles 6 mm. long. Flowers- numerous, in short fascicles on tubercles from the axils of fallen leaves, orange red coloured; stamens many, sterile in female flowers
 Fruit 2.5 cm. long. obliqualy ovoid, single seed.
Mesua ferrea

Distribution & Habitat
Along western ghats of Konkan and Malabar area, Tamil nadu.

 Chemical constituents

(i) Mesua ferrea— Mesuol , Mesuaxanthofle B- and euxanthofle 4- a1kylcoumnu0l MammeiSin ,Mamiflegin & mesuol from seed oil (Phytochem. 1971,10,1131). mesuaferrofle glycoside- cyclohaxodione- mesuaferrol, sitosterOl. Octadecatriefloic and hexadecanOic acids are present in seed oil

(ii) Ochrocarpus longifolius— Mammca surgia,Kosterml. 4- alkylated coumarins- Surangin A and B. Squalene, Cycloartenol, campesterol, stigmasterol and bsitosterol. Vitexjn and mesojnositol

Important Yogas or Formations
Kanakasava,catujataka,eladichurna,kesaradi kasayam.


Rasa Kasäya, Tikta

Guna Rüksa,  Tiksna, Laghu

Virya - Usna/Anusna

Vipaka - Katu

Karma - Kapha-
Pittahara Pramãti, Grãhi, Pachan,

Visahara, sotha hara, Kandughna, Kushtaghana
Indications-. Raktaras Raktatisãra, Rakta Pradara, Kustha, Visarpa, Jvara, Chardi, Vãta rakta, sopha, Vãta roga, siro roga, Trsnã, Visa roga,

External use
Lepana in visarpa
Internal uses
Central nervous system :it is useful in brain debility and hysteria.
Digestive system : It is an appetizer, mainly digestive, antidipsetic, antiemetic, antihaeniorrhoid, astringent and vermicide. It also acts as a haemostatic in bleeding piles.
Circulatory system :, it is used in cardiac debility, rakta pitta, and blood disorders.
Respiratory system: It is used in cough induced by kapha, dyspnoea anti hiccoughs
Reproductive system : It is used as an aphrodisiac
Urinary system : Diuretic, hence useful in retention of urine.
Skin : Kushthaghna..
Temperature : Febrifuge. Useful in fever.

Satmikaran : It is used as a .tonic and antidote,

Dosage : 1 to 2 gms

Part used— Stamens, leaf.
Dosage— Powder of stamens l-3g. orally.

Clinical Studies

It found to be useful in female patients suffering from Sveta pradara (vaginal monaliasis).

Important research work going on

1.Anti fungal activity
2.Anti bacterial activity

Therapeutic Uses—

(1) Rakta Aras—
Naga kesara cürna (2-3gm) shall be administered orally alongwith butter and sugar (C.S.Ci.14/210)’
(2) Hikkã— Nagakesara cürna (2-4gm) is given orally with honey and sugar along with (S.S.Ut.50/24)2.
(3) Rakta Pradara— Nagakesara cürna is to orally administered while consuyming plenty or butter-milk daily
(4) Sveta Pradara— Naga kesara is soaked in the buttermilk and administered orally for 3 days (V. S. & Y. R.)4.
(5) Rakta Atisãra— Nãga kesara churna with sugar (V. S.)5.
(6) Pumsavana— The lady who wants to have a female child should consume Nagakesara along with ghee (5gm dose daily) during the period of ovulation (Rtu kãla)- (R. M.)’.
(7) GarbhaStP Powders of Naga kesara and Püga (beetle nut) are mixed together and given orally.

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