Sunday, April 28, 2013



Botanical Name— Shorea robusta Gaertn. f.


Synonyms— Agini vallabhã, Asva karna, Kanakalodbhava, Kalyana, Käntã, Kãnta bhtiruha, Ksana Kãmari, Devestab, Marica patraka, Yaksa dhupa, Rãla, Babu rupa, Lalana, Sarja, Sarja Rasa, akradru, Räla Niryasa, Vrscikãra, Seetalã rasa, Sarja niryasa, Surabha dãru, sasya Sambara, sãla niryãsa, sãIa rasa, Sarja niryasa, Surabhj,Sura hupa, Kãla, Kalaloja’.  

Names in different languages







Sakher, Sakhu, Sal,

Common Sal, Indian Dammer

Sakher, Sakhua, Sal
Guggilu, Rala, Sajara
Sagua, Salo, Sarijjo

Sal, Seral
Attam, Kungiliyam, Shalam

Gugilamu, Sarjamu

Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Caraka Samhita
Suuta Samhita
Astanga Sangaraha

Astanga Hrdaya
Salasaradi gana, Rodhradi gana
Asanãdi gana, Rodhrãdi gana,
Vedanãsthãpana Asanadi gana, Rodhrãdi gana

Asanadi gana, Rodhrãdi gana

    The resin used in bleeding piles , dysentery , Kusta (skin diseases) &Diabetes.

Varieties & adulterants 
(i)       Asvakarna –

(ii) Ajakarna_-

(iii) Asana –

(iv) Sãla –

(v) Sallaki -

Sãla bheda 

Sãla bheda

Pita sãla

Sarja bheda


(i) sãla = Shorea robusta Gaertn.
(ii) Sarja = Vateria indica Linn.
(iii) Avakara = Dipterocarpus alatus
(iv) Aja Karna = Shorea tumbuggaia


Shorea robusta
 A deciduous tree with dark brown bark.
 Leaves- 12-32 x 5-16 cm., ovate-oblong, acuminate, coriaceous, cordate base, petiole 1.2-2cm long;
Flowers- 1.4 cm long, yellowish, in terminal and axillary racemose panicles 8-23 cm, long; calyse- tubular, grey, tomentose outside, Petals narrow- oblong tolanceolate, silky- tomentose outside. Stamens upto 60,
Fruit- 1.2 cm long, ovoid acute andindehisent. Seed ovoid, flesty with unequal cotyledons.

Distribution & Habitat.
Kangra dist. of Himachal Pradesh, Ambala dist. of Haryana Darrang dist. of Assam. western parts of west Bengal, Orissa and Visakhapatnam dist. of Andhra Pradesh.
Rasa : Kasaya,madura
Guna: ruksha,usna
Virya: seeta
Vipaka : katu
Karma : vãta-pita hara,stambhana,vrana ropana
Chemical composition :
tannins (pyrogallol type). Oleanolic acid. Benzofuranshoreaphenal, Sal Dammar, Epi-II— taraxastanonol, beta—sitosterol, hydroxyanone,
dammarenediol II, dipterocaipol, dammarenolic acid, asiatic acid and ct—amyrin are isolateu. Ursolic acid, ursaldehyde ,Corlagin, ellagic, chebulic and gallic acids phenolic acid- shorbic acid

Indications— Kãnda bhagna (fractures), Visa roga (poisoning), Kustha (Skin diseases), Vrana (ulcers), Yoni roga (gynaecological conditions), Karna roga (ear diseases), Atisãra (diarrhoea), Dagha Varna (burns), Rakta pitta (haemorrages), Kandü (prurities) etc.

Part Used-. The bark, sap wood, heartwood, resin, oil, seeds and seed oil

Dosage— Decoction of bark- 50 to 100 ml powder of resin- 1-3 g.

External uses : The ointment of rat cleanses wounds and heals them. It is useful in burns, dadru. Vipadika, analgesic etc.
Internal uses
Nervous system : Vataghna therefore analgesic. Used in ear diseases and eyes.
Digestive system : sal is deepan and pachan. As it is pachan and astringent, it is useful in diarrhoea, rakta pravahika and bleedtng piles.
Circulatory system : Haemostatic hence used in bleeding and in haemolytic anaemia.
 Respiratory system Bark is kaphaghna .Antibacterial in the respiratory system.
Urinary system — Bark antidiuretic and hence used in diabetes. useful in urinary tract infections
Reproductive system : anti-inflammatory . It is an aphrodisiac and is useful leucorrhoea.
Skin : Kushthaghna and antidiaphoretic agent.
Satmikaran : Since it is astringent, it is used for facilitating reunion of fractures. By rukshguna it reduces meda. By these properties, it is useful wounds and obesity. a

Important Yogas or Formations
Sarjarasadi Iepa, Vipadika kapa, Atasiadi lepa.

Dhatu : Rakta. mansa. asthi (rejoins the fractures), shukra Ivitilizer).
Mala : Purisha (astringent) sweda (reduces sweating). (In burns, ral ointment is very useful).

Important research work going on

(1) antifiertility action

Therapeutic Uses—

(1) Galaganda— ãlaniryasa along with Gomütra to be administered orally (S.S.Ci.18/53)’.
 (2) Pandu— ã1asärãdi gana cUrna (powder) and Amalaki powder with honey is taken internally (S.S.Ut. 44/24)2.
(3) Prameba— ãIa, Saptaparna, Kampillaka, Vrksaka, Vibhitaki, Kapitthia, Rohitaka and Arjuna are to be powdered and administered orally with heney and Amalaki Svarasa as Anupãna (Vehide) IA.H.Ci. 12/15-16)’

(4) Hikkã & vãsa— The fumes of resin from S. robusta (Sarja rasa) may be useful (S.S.Ut.50/18)2.

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